Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dom Larry's Journey To This Point

I had intended to start this blog off with a short description of My journey in the lifestyle to this point, but life got in the way and I am just now getting a chance to tell all of Y/you a little about Me.

I'll start with a little about Me. I am 43 years old. Married for 21 years to a wonderful woman that I love unconditionally, but she is completely vanilla. She knows I have this need to explore my Dominant personality and allows Me to explore within some limitations W/we have set (thus Y/you see My biggest obstacle to living this lifestyle in the optimum way). If she was in the lifestyle I know she would be a Domme, so imagine what disagreements are like in My house! Now more about My journey.

My journey began almost 7 years ago in a completely unexpected way. I have always known that I had a dominating personality, though if Y/you had seen Me in high school Y/you would never have guessed that (the most polite way to describe Me in high school would be NERD) and even now I get comments that by looking at My face Y/you would never guess at My "dark" side.

Seven years ago, I was asked by a lady that I had known for several years before that point if I would Dom her. She told me during O/our conversation that she had always been the Domme in her previous encounters but did not feel fully comfortable in that role. I had not even thought about this lifestyle up until that point, so after I agreed to do the scene with her, I had to do a large amount of research before I did this. Needless to say, the scene went very well and this lady informed Me that I was a natural Dom.

This led Me to even more in depth research and My first faltering steps into looking for a submissive of My own. I made a lot of mistakes that I can see looking back now. But for almost 2 years of very active searching, the best I had been able to do was meet a few submissives or those playing submissive for a scene now and then. I got so frustrated that I actually gave up the search.

But what usually happens when one does that? The subs came out of the woodwork! At one point during that time I could have had as many as NINE subs at once if I had wanted them. I chose one because I barely had time for that. This sub, I will call her B, was nothing more to Me than a living breathing sex toy and she knew that from the beginning. This lasted for almost a year until she began to say things to people that did NOT need to know anything about O/our arrangement that could put My private life in the open at a time that I could not allow that to happen. So that ended, badly.

So, once again, I was searching for a submissive. This time I knew more about what I was doing, but still the search became very frustrating as it had been going on for about a year and a half, and I was on the verge of giving up the search again. And once again, what happened? The submissives came out of the woodwork and I could have had as many as 7 if I had wanted them, but I only had time for 1. This time I chose much better and found K. K knew my limitations on time and personal situation and was willing to accept those for as long as W/we were together. This relationship turned into nearly everything someone in this lifestyle looks for. To be completely honest, if I could have, I would have married K, but I couldn't due to My personal situation. But, for 18 months, W/we explored and lived the lifestyle as best W/we could within those limits. In February of 2008, K met a single vanilla man and she respectfully requested to be released to pursue this relationship with him. I agreed, very reluctantly, and released her.

Once again I was searching. I found some scene playmates during this time, but nothing that was right for Me at the time. I had resigned Myself to a long and frustrating search again. Until in late November I found D, and then C, and then T, and then SM, and then SA....and they keep on coming! Again I am being forced to be very selective, but now I have more time than the last time I had do choose, thus I will be able to take on more than just one. This is still developing as I go, but I can say that I have chosen one to be My priority, and W/we will see what happens with the rest.

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