Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Contributor!

Welcome our first contributor to My Spot!

Rajah Dodger.

He has been generous enough to give us a brief biography, so please take the time to read it and get to know Mr. Dodger. Watch for the first of many stories he has been generous enough to allow me to post!

Rajah Dodger is a citizen of Texas, both by birth and current residence. A man in his midlife (that's as close to demographics as he will authorize), he has been "in computers" for nearly a quarter of a century and makes his living in Houston, not far from one of the world's largest [targets] centers of petrochemical production. He speaks English, reads some Spanish, and writes in a variety of computer languages.

Once upon a time he cursed the darkness of badly written stories on adult computer bulletin boards. Then a voice came to him (probably from one of the neighbors fed up with his whining), saying "Go thou and show them how it is done, for in truth you cannot do much worse." And thereby hangs a tale -- over seventy of them to date, with no outraged villagers coming yet to burn his house down. He writes about most anything that catches his fancy, whether it's darkly nasty stroke or socially redeeming fluff.

None of his family suspects that he is a published author; his wife considers him merely strange, and his children don't consider adults to be members of a relevant species anyway. When not working or writing, he plays cards, reads science fiction, listens to classical and rock music, and watches television. He recently delivered a wreath of flowers to the pricing manager at Safeway to commemorate Bob Barker's retirement.

Finally, to answer the inevitable question, his pen name has nothing to do with either the Indian subcontinent or any desire to escape law enforcement. (Well, if you must know... that was a long time ago and he was under age.) It actually comes from a combination of Charles Dickens and British pilot slang. The rest of the etymology is left as an exercise for the astute student.

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